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Specialist Tutoring

The Seabrook Mckenzie Centre has a network of certificated, self-employed teacher-tutors who have had specialist training

in Specific Learning Disabilities.


These teacher-tutors provide tuition to address underpinning issues associated with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Teacher-tutors, certificated with us, are trained to teach literacy with structured, sequential, explicit programmes to suit the individual needs of the student.


Each teaching programme is based on the information in the student’s formal SLD report and the teacher-tutor’s professional judgment based on formative evaluations and diagnostic teaching. The programme is individually designed to accommodate the student’s particular learning needs. The programme is responsive to the student’s progress, strengths and weaknesses, but is structured, sequential, and explicit. 


Either at the SLD teacher-tutor’s home or in some cases at the student’s school, or at the Seabrook McKenzie Centre. The location is decided by mutual agreement with the teacher-tutor. 


The duration and frequency of lessons vary depending on the age and needs of the learner. 
Lessons are usually run for one, preferably in school time, particularly for young or distractible children.


Quality assurance
Seabrook McKenzie Centre teacher-tutors abide by the Code of Ethics and the quality control policies of the Centre. They undergo professional development and are supervised by the Centre. Teacher-tutors we recommend are required to have a Seabrook McKenzie Practicing Certificate if they wish to have students referred to them. The Practicing Certificate must be renewed every three years: during which time the teacher-tutor undergoes successful professional development.  If in doubt, please contact us to check if a teacher-tutor is certified by us.



To request a teacher-tutor please email our teacher-tutor coordinator on  The coordinator will be in contact to advise you with details of the teacher-tutor.


While every effort is made to find teacher-tutors for students needing tuition, we cannot guarantee immediate placement and some students may have to go on a waiting list.

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